Eagle Projects International
Eagle Projects International
EMMS International

KART - Kirkcaldy Area Outreach Trust
UK & World Mission
‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit…’
(Matthew 28:19)
We take seriously the Biblical mandate to go into all the world and see this as a particular calling for us as a Church. Not all of us will be called to go to other countries, but all of us have a responsibility as a commissioned church to support those who are. We encourage members to consider how they should respond to world mission.
We promote awareness of, and interest in, missionary activities. A number of different mission trips take place each year as well as coordinating support for various missionaries working both overseas and at home.
Updates on the missionaries we support are brought to the church during the Sunday services and updates and information are available at the church.
Visiting speakers from the adopted missions, as well as other organisations, are invited to the church to give information about their work, and this takes place several times each year.

Together for the Gospel - Poland
Teen Ranch Scotland
Slavic Gospel Association